

Improve Employee Productive with Proactive Help Desk Services

100% SLA Compliance & Customer satisfaction with proactive maintenance and services





Help Desk Service


09 Sep 2023


Introduction of the project

NSP ITInfra has taken on the challenge of streamlining a client's complex IT infrastructure ecosystem that provides IT products and services globally. The client's network is extensive, with over 300 devices, servers, and clouds that must be managed for seamless operations. NSP ITInfra has been brought in to ensure that the client's operations run smoothly, increase productivity, and reduce downtime to nearly zero. The goal is to make the client's IT infrastructure ecosystem more efficient and effective.


Our client needed help with their operations due to frequent downtime. These disruptions in the production process resulted in a direct hit on their revenue. The existing networking infrastructure needed to be improved to support their growing needs, lacking scalability and security. The lack of proper security measures left their data and systems vulnerable to cyber threats, further exacerbating the challenges faced by our clients.


NSP ITInfra performed extensive due diligence to identify critical security weaknesses and streamlined the client's network infrastructure to support growth into multiple geographic locations. The team also simplified employee access by establishing Active Directory and single sign-on capabilities across multiple enterprise applications.

For enhanced security, NSP ITInfra implemented robust endpoint security measures and fortified the network with a powerful firewall system. To ensure smooth day-to-day operations, NSP ITInfra set up a help desk to manage tickets, provide troubleshooting support, and continually improve operational efficiency by adopting tools and best practices.


1. The client has the capability to expand their current office network to multiple locations globally.

2. With the implementation of a smooth help desk and proactive approach, the number of issues has been significantly reduced, resulting in a 25% improvement in operational efficiency and a substantial decrease in downtime. The network and ecosystem availability has reached 99%.

3.The efficient help desk provides smooth resolution of issues, and a proactive approach helps prevent repetitive problems.