

Collaborative way of working using Modern workplace

Operation efficiency improvement by implementing Microsoft workplace solution (Office 365, Azure DevOps, Share Point)





Modern Workplace


20 June 2022


Introduction of the project

We engage with clients which provides IT Product & Services across the globe with more than 1000 employees providing service. The NSP ITInfra team has been tasked with streamlining operations to boost employee productivity and save valuable time. It also helped in seamless communication and collaboration across locations and platforms while maintaining the security and integrity of systems and data.


The difficulties faced by our client with email security and collaboration among in-house employees were having a significant impact on their overall operations. The lack of proper email security measures was leading to potential security breaches and data loss, which in turn was affecting employee efficiency. The inadequate collaboration tools and processes were causing delays, miscommunication, and duplicated efforts, leading to reduced productivity.

These difficulties directly impacted the quality of deliverables produced by the employees, causing the client to miss deadlines and lose out on potential business opportunities. This also led to a revenue decline, as the client needed to meet their customers' expectations.

Overall, the challenges faced by the client with email security and collaboration were detrimental to their business operations and financial performance, and it was imperative that they find a solution to address these issues.


The NSP ITInfra team was called upon to assess the current system used by the organization and find ways to improve the overall workspace solution. The assessment revealed that the existing system could not meet the organization's demands, particularly in terms of security, collaboration, and visibility.

To address these shortcomings, NSP ITInfra proposed the implementation of the Microsoft Modern Workspace Solution. This innovative solution is designed to enhance employee productivity and satisfaction by providing a more intuitive and efficient way of working. It enables employees to work securely from any location and device, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration across different platforms.

Moreover, the solution incorporates state-of-the-art security measures to protect systems and data from potential threats. This ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and enhances employees' overall trust in the technology they use to get their work done.


1. The quality and effectiveness of the work experience have significantly improved overall productivity and the utilization of tools, leading to increased happiness and value among employees.

2. The employees now have the flexibility to work securely from any location and device, with a strong emphasis on work that brings them personal fulfillment and satisfaction.